Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Today's Plan + Today's Emotional Swing

i am suppose to meet him today but he just came back from kl so i decided to just let him rest and sleep the whole day. he's been so tired driving all the way to ipoh. ciann dierr....hehe. actually the plan is to fill in the forms together and submit it to the religious department. i need also to do my passport and hiv test and confirm all the bookings. ahhh banyaknye keje! n to make things worse, im going back next week. eeee! but nevermind. still got one more week to settle.

dear readers, lately ive been reading someone's blog which happens to be my ex dotdotdot. i am telling here. he is such a coward. now i realize that he is being dishonest to me, from the day we knew each other, days when we are together, until the last day i met him. it still haunts me but with the help from God and my sayang, i am cured. to you mr.ex. i hate you. and dear God, even though he is a cruel man, please forgive him, and shower him with your blessings. biarlah tuhan saja yang membalas segalanya. no wonder karma is treating you bad lately. maybe you deserves it.

to my dear fiance, i love you so much. couldnt care less what people say. love you to bits. thank God for sending me an angel..

my sayang bersama anak saudaranya. muaahhhh


  1. what goes around,comes around..ape yg kite pnah buat kat org,balasan tetap akan dpt.it's just the matter of sooner or later..
    he deserves what he should deserve..i'm so happy for u nana..now that u r happy again with ur beloved... love ya!

  2. aww... thank you dear.. so sweet of you.. may Allah bless you and your family.. semoga kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan menjadi milik anda berdua juga *wink* :)
    love you too darling! friendship for ever, muaxxmuaxx

  3. ape link blog ur ex.dotdotdot tu..nak nengok gak blog die..heee

  4. hi anony. :)
    would you like to introdue yourself first dear.. maybe we know each other?
    thanks for visiting. :)

  5. sowwi2..forgot to introduce..erm i'm not really know you dear, so does you over me:). Just meet u once during a program at uia,when u become a saleswoman at a gerai2 near bank mu'amalat tu.at dat time u jual2 gelang2, anting2..sort of..heee...btw, cute blog:)and wish u gud luck 4 ur wed...

    ps: and i'm kinda have "problem" with ur exdotdotdot during my time at matrik uia...hee

  6. ouh. actually, i am not talking about 'him'. this ex is the one after 'him'. and most people dont know, especially budak2 uia. coz this happen after graduation. i dgn dia pun skejap je, then i met my soulmate. no wonder takde jodoh dgn dia. liar.:)
    by the way, they are the same species. hihi. hurm, me? saleswoman?? ni mesti masa kitorang promote paramotor and paragliding club ni! aha waktu tu still dgn dia.. :)
    sis, bukan u je ada problem dgn dia, ramai lagi... pas i break up, ramai jgk pmpn n guys yg bitau i diorang tak puas hati dgn dia sbenarnya.. now i know.. hehe coz masa couple dgn dia, tak ramai yg nak bitau! takut i terasa! :) but now, okay je! :)
    anyway, thanks for the wish..

    really hope to get to know u sis!!
