Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY Holidays in Ipoh

my plan is just to rot at home, but i end up spending cash vigorously buying things need for the w-day and pamper myself at the ombak house which is super duper rejuvenating. it was 'oh-so-memorable' (pls note, qoute & quote ya). kinda weird to bare it all and let strangers touch your skins like there is no tomorrow. nevertheless, the 7 spa treatments worth every penny. the steam bath, aromatheraphy massage, body scrub, jacuzzi floral bath, foot reflexology up to facial treatment, it was all heavenly done. may God let me come again.

me camwhoring before out.

the holiday seems to pass faster than usual. i did not celebrate CNY as usual because i dont have the time. ayahanda will usually asks for our company to visit his chinese friends and this time i cant make it. luckily mum and lil bro willing to receive some angpows hehe. the next day i had my holiday routine watching movie with dearly fiance. pretty good movie from bade entitled maut. the movie opens with the recitation of a verse taken from the holy quran, delivering about death. interesting plots of muslim encountering deaths are over the story and it really remind me off, not to be too obsessed with dunyawi...

the next last day, im supposed to get back to n9 and boarding a bus which sayang had already bought the ticket earlier. but it turn out to be like my in-laws were the ones who sent me back at the very last minute. syg was worried that i would reach seremban late due to the heavy traffic and so he decided to drive me all the way to serting. we stopped at putrajaya and nilai and had our last shot of shopping. hehe

dinner with the in-laws

day one back at school was not as bad as i expected though this terrible flu is having so much fun ruining my teaching mood. work is definitely piling up since more programmes are on the run. activity week, debate competition, catching up with the syllabus yet finding some space for priority, for my form five students. hah. i loikkkee itt.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday 21st January 2009

it has been a while i didnt update my blog. could be because of the work load. nevertheless, thank God for giving me the strength. the strength to be strong in whatever situation thrown up right in front of my face.
i just found out that it is not that hard and difficult to be patient and yet still wise. fortunately creed instilled had taught me that every act done in our day to day life would be considered as an act of worship provided it is in accordance to the ways prescribed by Allah. therefore as i bath, as i eat, as i sleep, all are because of Him. and so as i go to work everyday, my heart and mind kept saying that He is always there to guard me in whatever circumstances. what a wonderful experience to submit oneself, all to the All Mighty.
herm. cant wait for the holidays. need to settle things that are still unsettled.

but meeting the loved ones after three excruciating weeks would be the most awaited one. *winkwink*

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sabar ~ Sabar ~ Sabar ~

cant wait to get back to ipoh... sangat stress.. sangat stress.. senyum je lah.... :)

to cikgu hasrini, selamat pengantin baru! semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. beshnye hehe.. really really sorry coz cant make it to ur wedding.. and same goes to kat and firdaus! selamat pengantin baru.. received ur invitation card already but so sorry wont be able to attend also... huhu i'm stuck here with horrible people! mish my old colleagues... :(( jue, kak yati, kak mas, kak faty, kak tira, kak liza, kak z, kak nani, syed, khairul, ustaz . sume lecturer n tutor2 di sana. kakak-kakak yang amat supportive, baik, tolong-menolong, tiada talam yang bermuka2........... I AM MISSING YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! seriously. really hope to get back to ipoh as soon as possible! sorry aunty hub for not telling earlier pasal pindah2 ni.. sorry kat sayang jugak... now i know. :(

sabar~2months left. sabar~

hah. today is our first class for this particular semester. nothing really happen, just a lil bit of discussion on their final paper. and a short meeting with sayang-sayangku homeroom. they are all so sweet.

readers.that is all.i am having a major headache here.... mane yayang ni tak abes ngaji lg kerrrrrrrrrrrrr

hah. esok class pagi 730 . selamat berjuang nurdiyana.......

Sunday, January 11, 2009

~ Coming Soon~

Mail me your address okay!
* ex-tcs, ex-uia, ex-colleagues & online friends
* students dearie @unitar, itp & mrsm

Muax muax

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tagged By Sis Aimie!

Ciri2 wanita/lelaki idaman anda :

i - Memiliki dasar dan pengetahuan agama yang baik, dan sentiasa meningkatkan diri untuk menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan bagi tujuan dunia dan akhirat.
ii- Memiliki kekayaan budi pekerti yang baik dan kekayaan harta yang sederhana.
iii- Memiliki keturunan yang baik-baik.
iv- Memiliki paras rupa yang sederhana.

5 wanita/lelaki yg tak pernah anda minati sepanjang hidup :

i - Tiada perasaan hormat dan bersikap agresif pada kaum wanita.
ii - Tiada ilmu dan tiada usaha ke arah mempertingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan.
iii - Yg lain2 - typical

5 perasaan anda sekiranya keluar dgn org yg anda minati :

i - Perasaan? Gembira dan excited! sehingga menyebabkan perkara2 di bawah terjadi.

- Terlalu banyak cakap sehingga tak tahu apa benda yang dicakap sekaligus menimbulkan sifat clumsy diri ini dan kelam kabut.
- Tangan sejuk dan berpeluh dgn serta- merta.
- Sesi makan menjadi lebih panjang krn melambat2kan masa makan.

5 tempat istimewa yg ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda :

i - Makkah al mukarramah dan tanah arab
ii - Paris
iii - Hampir seluruh dunia

5 barangan/sesuatu yg istimewa yg akan anda hadiahkan pada si dia :

i - Sesuatu yg istimewa? - isteri yang solehah dan keluarga yg bahagia (i'm trying insya Allah:)
ii- Barangan? - benda2 yg dia suka, cthnya yg berkaitan dgn keperluan diri, man u, golf, barang2 lelaki maskulin dan metroseksual dan apa2 brg idaman dia. (kena tanya dulu hehe)
iii- Sebentuk cincin
iv- Album gambar kami berdua
v - dll

sila tag rakan2 anda :

i - sarah dearie

ii- miya dearie

iii - wawa dearie

iv - fieza dearie

v - sis irma dearie

vi - sis zarin dearie

vii - azmalina dearie

:) buat jgn tak buat taw!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Hate Feeling So Useless That I Cant Help Easing Their Pain..

i'm sure all are aware of the carnage being inflicted in gaza. let us all staging a peaceful protest here through praying for our fellow brothers and sisters. God please, please, please help them to cope with everything and grant them Your highest firdaus, give them infinite patience and sakeena. forgive their sins and make them among those close to You and Your messenger.

palestine is our wake up call. we should be in the forefronts, in the call to peace, justice, equality and mercy. we can study islamic knowledge as much as we want, but if we dont use it to bring peace, stability and tranquility to humanity, then on what purpose did that knowledge fulfill. we are the brothers and sisters of islam who are blessed by Allah with tawfeeq to seek knowledge. it is our responsibilities and lets do something as God will never change the condition of the people unless they work hard to change for the better. protests,donates, raise awareness, lets not let our action for palestine be when we hear about it in the news only. being well-learned muslims is not a different parallel plane that does not cross over into our daily lives. we need to strengthen ourselves as individuals as we come together as a community.

lets just pray to help them ease their suffering . of course there are logics and reasonings on what has happened, and is happening and perhaps a stroll down history will clarify a lot more. regardless, this is a time to focus on their ease of suffering, and not to look at their nationality and religion. this is about humanity. what the least we can do?what do we do individually? do we come closer, make a few alterations in our grocery lists or write a letter of protest to whomever we think cares? or do we implode the discourse that narrates the consumers and performers of tragedies and stop relieving it in all our society fragmented lives?

the least we can do as a one big muslim ummah, come pray. let us banished the feeling of being useless of not helping easing their pain.

*it hurts me to see their pain*

Qunut Nazilah Untuk Palestin...

اللهم ﺇنانجعلك في نحور أعدائنا ونعوذبك من شرورهم
اللهم بدد شملهم وفرق جمعهم وستت كلمتهم وزلزل أقدامهم
وسلط عليهم كلبا من كلابك يا قهار يا جبار يا منتقم
ياالله ياالله ياالله
اللهم يا منزل الكتاب ويا مجري السحاب ويا هازم الاحزاب
ﺇهزمهم ﺇهزمهم ﺇهزمه
وانصرنا عليهم
Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan Mu di batang-batang leher musuh-musuh kami
Dan kami berlindung dengan Mu daripada kejahatan-kejahatan mereka

Ya Allah,
Leburkanlah kumpulan-kumpulan mereka
Pecah belahkan dan kacau bilaukan persatuan mereka
Goncangkan pendirian mereka
Dan hantarkanlah anjing-anjing Mu kepada mereka
Wahai Tuhan yang gagah perkasa Wahai Tuhan yang penuh raksasa
Wahai Tuhan yang bersifat murka

Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah,
Wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab
Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan
Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera Al-Ahzab
Kalahkan mereka kalahkan mereka
Kalahkan mereka dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.

Bebaskan Palestin.
Semoga Allah membalas setimpalnya Israel Laknatullah.

*dear friends, praying is the least we can do for our love & hearts to gazans*

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School!!

yesterday (not actually yesterday because i've been very busy lately plus the internet is not being that friendly thus its hard for me to publish this post which has been in the draft for soo long!) is my last day with him after a one month school holidays. :) i cant imagine how could i live here in n9 without seeing him every day as usual. this is ridiculous. diyana, how could you survived 9 months before this?? yes, i need to be strong and patient because i know i can do it. :) hohoho i miss him.

i went karok with his beloved bff, bob at our very last day. fun fun fun!

going back to mrsm is indeed a long journey to go. serting, jempol, negri sembilan is a warm, tranquil, secluded place where you can freely going out throwing rubbish by just wearing a boxer. haha. i miss my students. they arent back yet as school suppose to start on monday. but because we are ehem ehem bunch of great, dedicated, no-complaints teachers :), we are asked to be here on thursday, four days before school start to prepare ourselves with anything that need to be prepared. this year, which is year 2009, i had been given the responsibility to teach english language for form 4 and form 5 students. even though many thinks that this is the only ever exist easiest work in the world, believe me there are a lot of other things need to be done by the teachers. students' programmes, co-ordinators, and a whole lot more waiting for us to shrink ourselves with workloads. i loikeee my workkk. in fact, this particular brand new year also i was given a bunch of eleven students as my homeroom. haa gotta listen to mummy ya! tuanya rasanya.. :) so, i hope this year would bring success and much happiness to all of us!
new year resolutions --->>>to be more hardworking and dedicated in doing my job as an educator. and hope to inspire my students to get straight As for SPM! chaiyuk chaiyuk!!!! :)

post script : i need to buy more black tudung because we have to wear it everyday i repeat EVERYDAY until february as a sign of mourning. :( and sorry for the typo+grammar+structure error, which happens to be kesan daripada kerunsingan. huh.