Monday, January 12, 2009

Sabar ~ Sabar ~ Sabar ~

cant wait to get back to ipoh... sangat stress.. sangat stress.. senyum je lah.... :)

to cikgu hasrini, selamat pengantin baru! semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. beshnye hehe.. really really sorry coz cant make it to ur wedding.. and same goes to kat and firdaus! selamat pengantin baru.. received ur invitation card already but so sorry wont be able to attend also... huhu i'm stuck here with horrible people! mish my old colleagues... :(( jue, kak yati, kak mas, kak faty, kak tira, kak liza, kak z, kak nani, syed, khairul, ustaz . sume lecturer n tutor2 di sana. kakak-kakak yang amat supportive, baik, tolong-menolong, tiada talam yang bermuka2........... I AM MISSING YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! seriously. really hope to get back to ipoh as soon as possible! sorry aunty hub for not telling earlier pasal pindah2 ni.. sorry kat sayang jugak... now i know. :(

sabar~2months left. sabar~

hah. today is our first class for this particular semester. nothing really happen, just a lil bit of discussion on their final paper. and a short meeting with sayang-sayangku homeroom. they are all so sweet.

readers.that is all.i am having a major headache here.... mane yayang ni tak abes ngaji lg kerrrrrrrrrrrrr

hah. esok class pagi 730 . selamat berjuang nurdiyana.......


  1. sabar k syg....nanti kita sesama uruskan pasal perpindahan tu...toksah pedulikan diorg...dah nama pun talam..tu bkn 2 muka tapi dua belas ratus muka....hehehe
