happy people tend to feel better and have a more positive outlook on life and the lemons sometimes dealt. the same is true for expectant mom. just like me. i need to be happy even though it is hard for me to face this alone. away from husband. family. and dearly friends. yes. i am 5 weeks pregnant. time really flies since i got married 6 weeks ago. lots of things happen, until i realized my period didnt come as usual. then, it was the time where i bought those little pregnancy kit test. and the result is.
a double line.
pregnancy is one of those times when i most need to believe the best in myself. i count my blessings. and what else could i ask for? thank God for this little precious gift that i've ever received. alhamdulillah.. each day, i knew i need to be strong for my baby's sake. it is awful to have toilet as the second home. it is awful to puke and having nausea all the time. but still. i need to be strong. and i always remind myself, praying to God, to make this, as smooth as possible.. why?
because i believe.......
i am creating life, an extraordinarily miraculous gift.
and i have the rare pleasure of eating whatever i want, whenever i want . and i'm taking advantage of this coz i know this perk doesn’t last.
i can also unabashedly shop for cute baby outfits. darling caps and booties. and squeal with glee when i find the perfect shade of mint green on a baby creeper. (when the time comes.) haha. cant wait for that.
even though there are some changes within me, the unpleasant ones... haih... sabar...
the body changes. boobs get bigger. tummies expand, taking on a whirlwind from one craving to the next.
morning sickness. which can happen at anytime during the day. a new horrible change for me. foods and even smells i once loved can send me into a hurl on a second’s notice. not to mention, i also get to enjoy sweating like piglets, pimple outbreaks, exhaustion and sore feet and backs.
the emotional and mental changes.
sometimes, i work myself into tearful outbursts over anything from a sad movie to a dirty rug.
and sometimes too, i become irrational occasionally. mood swings are totally normal too. as far as i'm concern, pregnant woman’s body is going through hormonal changes, and spouses and others are well-advised to not taking anything personally.
faham sayang?? hehe
by the way, it is such a wonderful experience to go through this process...
to my dearly husband, thanks for everything...
to my darling baby, mummy & daddy loves you so much... :) muah muah
so sweet sygku....faham dah la..hehehe
ReplyDeletehehe.. sayang.. rindu.. bila nak jumpa ni... :((
ReplyDeleteBabe, i baru baca your entry ni right after i updated my blog...HAPPY NEH!!! Congrats ya... I'm the one with the hush-hush - revealing it indirectly through words and actions and spreading the news gradually...Mummy soon to be - SO EXCITED! Kan? Kita doakan biar segalanya sempurna, sihat dan baik-baik sahaja - Ameen!! =)...
ReplyDeleteepel ko brape bulan pel?? waahhh beshnyerr . ya. marilah kita sama2 berdoa semoga semuanya selamat.. ameen..take care taw!! :))
ReplyDeletebestnya kawan2 pregnant.happy for you..jaga diri bebaik ya!~
ReplyDeleteowite bebeh! u too take care k!