Sunday, April 26, 2009

Prayers to Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Peliharalah anakku selama ia berada di dalam perutku, dan sihatkanlah dia, Engkaulah yang menyembuhkan, tidak ada penyembuhan selain penyembuhan Mu, Penyembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit. Ya Allah rupakanlah atau bentukkanlah dia yang ada diperut ku dengan rupa yang baik, dan tetapkanlah ke dalam hatinya iman kepada Engkau dan kepada Rasul-Mu.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah jadikanlah dia sihat yang sempurna berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah panjangkanlah umurnya sihatkanlah badannya, dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam.


Praise be to Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful,
And Peace and Prayers be upon His Final Prophet and Messenger..

Amalan-amalan Bagi Ibu Mengandung

Bagi ibu yang mengandung, persediaan rohani dan adab penting semasa mengandung bagi menentukan tingkah laku anak yang bakal dilahirkan samada baik atau sebaliknya. Untuk mendapat anak yang baik dan soleh, terdapat amalan yang patut diamalkan oleh kedua-dua ibu bapa anak itu sendiri, iaitu:

1. Memperbanyakkan taubat dan istighfar. Ibu bapa yang banyak melakukan taubat dan istighfar, ALLAH s.w.t. sentiasa mengasihi dan merahmati kedua-duanya dan juga segala isi dalam rumahtangga termasuk anak dalam kandungan.

2. Berpuasa sunat. Khusus untuk suami, banyak berpuasa sunat atau sekurang-kurangnya semingu dua kali atau sehari pada hari Isnin dan Khamis atau salah satu daripada hari-hari berkenaan atau pada hari-hari putih (13, 14 dan 15 bulan Hijrah). Perlu diingatkan, amalan puasa sunat cuma digalakkan dilakukan oleh suami atau bapa (bagi anak) sahaja seperti mana dilakukan oleh Nabi Zakaria a.s. Bagi ibu, sekiranya tidak memberi kesan kepada kesihatan bayi dalam kandungan bolehlah diamalkan.

3. Tidak bercakap yang sia-sia. Ketika isteri sedang mengandung, suami seboleh-bolehnya tidak bercakap yang sia-sia, lebih-lebih lagi yang boleh mendatangkan dosa seperti mengumpat, menfitnah dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya, basahilah lidah dengan berzikir dan bertahmid atau bercakap yang mendatangkan faedah.

4. Banyak berdoa. Sentiasa berdoa agar ALLAH s.w.t. mengurniakan anak yang soleh atau solehah. Sekurang-kurangnya setiap lepas sembahyang, bacalah doa khusus bagi ibu yang sedang mengandung.

5. Banyak membaca al-Quran. Secara umumnya, elok membaca al-Quran dengan semua surah, tetapi di sini ustazah mengkhususkan surah-surah yang dibaca serta kesannya.

a. Surah al-Fatihah - Untuk menerangkan hati dan menguatkan daya ingatan
b. Surah Maryam - Untuk memudahkan ibu bersalin dan memperolehi anak yang sabar dan taat.
c. Surah Luqman - Untuk memperoleh anak yang cerdik akal dan cerdik jiwa.
d. Surah Yusuf - Untuk memperoleh anak yang cantik rupa dan cantik akhlak.
e. Surah Hujurat - Untuk memperbanyakkan susu ibu dan anak bersifat berhati-hati.
f. Surah Yaasin - untuk ketenangan hati dan anak tidak terpengaruh dengan godaan syaitan yang mengajak kepada maksiat.
g. Surah Taubah - Untuk membersih jiwa dan terpelihara daripada maksiat.
h. Surah an-Nahl - Untuk melahirkan anak yang berdisiplin.

*taken from forwarded e-mail*

Friday, April 24, 2009

With Love, Mummy & Daddy..

dear my darling baby...
you have now successfully made it until week 5 and we are so proud of you...
even though mummy is going under a difficult stage dealing with the first trimester alone..
away from daddy...
i believe, we both can do it...

mummy just knew something about you today through the internet.
you've got your own heart, kidney & liver already!
congrats dear!
don't forget to say your thanks to Allah for giving you this precious gift ok.. :)

this is mummy & you!

fetal development at 5weeks
You may not look pregnant at this point but your embryo's heart, no bigger than a poppyseed, has already begun to beat and pump blood. The heart is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon. The embryo itself is about a quarter of an inch/ half a centimetre long and looks more like a tadpole than a human. It undergoes a growth spurt this week.

Major organs, including the kidneys and liver, begin to grow. The neutral tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week. The embryo's upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout -- these will form your baby's arms and legs. The intestines are developing and the appendix is in place.

Below the opening that will later form your baby's mouth, small folds exist where the neck and the lower jaw eventually develop. As early as this week, facial features are already forming. Nostrils are becoming distinct and the earliest version of the eyes' retinas are forming.

Your `fetus`is about 5 weeks old.

You are now in your second month of pregnancy and your developing baby is 3 weeks! You might just be finding out that you are pregnant and may have many concerns and questions. Some women still do not realize that they are pregnant yet. You might have already had a positive pregnancy test. Many tests can show a positive test result 10 days after conception, but it is recommended that you wait until you have actually missed your period. The baby has not grown very much from last week and is now approximately 1.25 mm long. You will not `show` yet for some time.

At this point in your pregnancy, you may begin to experience some symptoms. One early symptom of pregnancy is nausea. Some women will actually vomit and others will not. The nausea and/or vomiting that occur during pregnancy are called morning sickness. Most of the time morning sickness is worse in the morning, but not always. Morning sickness does usually improve or disappear by the end of the first trimester. Another early sign of pregnancy is the increased need to urinate. Frequent urination can continue throughout the remainder of the pregnancy because of the growing uterus and increased amount of fluids you are drinking. Many women also notice breast changes early in pregnancy. It is common to feel a tingling or sore sensation in the breasts or nipples. You might notice that the area around the nipple, the areola, becomes darker during pregnancy. It is also not uncommon to feel tired or fatigued at this point. You might feel like you need to nap at lunchtime and you may need to go to bed earlier to accommodate your body's needs.

As early as this week, the plate that will become the heart has developed. Your baby's brain, spinal cord, muscles, and bone formation are also beginning to form. The baby's skeleton is forming at this time as well. The embryo has a distinct organization that has a top, bottom, left, right, front and back. It is important that you continue or begin to take your prenatal vitamins to prevent birth defects.

On your initial doctors visit you may be checked on Hematocrit, hemoglobin, white blood cell count, blood group type, Rh factor, antibodies to blood group antigens, VDRL, rubella anti-Body titer, hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis, urine culture, and HIV.

Sometimes as early as the second month of pregnancy, the insides of your hands and the bottoms of your feet may itch and take on a reddish hue. This annoying condition is called palmar erythema. The increased color is nothing more than a curiosity of pregnancy.

okay dear, that's all for today..

mummy & daddy wish you a safe journey..

till then, sayang..
we'll meet up tomorrow ok..
esok kita makan folic & vitamin lagi ya!
nanite dear..muah muah

love, mummy & daddy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


happy people tend to feel better and have a more positive outlook on life and the lemons sometimes dealt. the same is true for expectant mom. just like me. i need to be happy even though it is hard for me to face this alone. away from husband. family. and dearly friends. yes. i am 5 weeks pregnant. time really flies since i got married 6 weeks ago. lots of things happen, until i realized my period didnt come as usual. then, it was the time where i bought those little pregnancy kit test. and the result is.
a double line.

pregnancy is one of those times when i most need to believe the best in myself. i count my blessings. and what else could i ask for? thank God for this little precious gift that i've ever received. alhamdulillah.. each day, i knew i need to be strong for my baby's sake. it is awful to have toilet as the second home. it is awful to puke and having nausea all the time. but still. i need to be strong. and i always remind myself, praying to God, to make this, as smooth as possible.. why?

because i believe.......

i am creating life, an extraordinarily miraculous gift.

and i have the rare pleasure of eating whatever i want, whenever i want . and i'm taking advantage of this coz i know this perk doesn’t last.

i can also unabashedly shop for cute baby outfits. darling caps and booties. and squeal with glee when i find the perfect shade of mint green on a baby creeper. (when the time comes.) haha. cant wait for that.

even though there are some changes within me, the unpleasant ones... haih... sabar...

the body changes. boobs get bigger. tummies expand, taking on a whirlwind from one craving to the next.

morning sickness. which can happen at anytime during the day. a new horrible change for me. foods and even smells i once loved can send me into a hurl on a second’s notice. not to mention, i also get to enjoy sweating like piglets, pimple outbreaks, exhaustion and sore feet and backs.

the emotional and mental changes.

sometimes, i work myself into tearful outbursts over anything from a sad movie to a dirty rug.

and sometimes too, i become irrational occasionally. mood swings are totally normal too. as far as i'm concern, pregnant woman’s body is going through hormonal changes, and spouses and others are well-advised to not taking anything personally.

faham sayang?? hehe

by the way, it is such a wonderful experience to go through this process...

to my dearly husband, thanks for everything...

to my darling baby, mummy & daddy loves you so much... :) muah muah

My Drama Team Rocks!

the competiton was held at mrsm kuala lipis, pahang in conjunction with the language week. the english team sent participants for all categories which are public speaking, story telling, choral speaking and drama fest. i as the drama advisor with miss liyana here proudly announce that.... we won almost in all categories for dramafest!!! wohooooo....

- the best drama
- the best costume
- the best actor - fairygod father

congratulations to all of you. we will be going to mrsm kuala berang to represent the western zone. so, i hope you guys can do the best in the national level. i wont be coming with you guys because .. ehemm. hehe. so miss liyana will accompany you. i'll always pray for your success. make the school proud ok! muax muax
so below are some of the pictures taken during the competition and rehearsals.

the fairy godfather yg sporting & the beautiful princess ariel

the handsome prince rick

the two little flower girls

king babylo, lady medussa & king cobra

during practice at mrsm kuala lipis

afzal a.k.a fairy godfather

sila cari saya! haha

sila cari saya lagi! hehe

the language team, mjsc serting

congratulations & all the best sayang-sayangku!!

Award by Wahida.

i was given this award by wahida!! tengkiu sis!!
hurm got it long time ago, but still, dont have the time time to upload it.

now, its official! hehe best friend award. :)

Tagged by Wawa & Miya.

i've been tagged by wawa dearie, but the thing is, the tag was meant to be done before i got married. so now it has been over two months and i guess the questions are not relevant anymore. hihi sorry wawa because back then i was so busy preparing the kenduri and dont have much time blogging! next time okeyy!
now just wanted to fulfil miya's request in the next tag. btw i'm so touched that i'm the first one you tagged! muax muax

Upload gmbar yg anda gemari dan jawab soklan dibawah.

Kenapa anda suke gambar ini? Apa yg best ngan gambar ni?
suka sebab kami rasa happy sangat2 time ni. dekat cameron. best sebab seronok sangat tengok dia happy!

Bila kali terakhir mkn pizza?
last month at batu ferringhi, penang. with dearly husband. hehe

Lagu terakhir yg anda dengar?
zikir ilahinas by hijjaz. bukan saya saja dengar, baby dalam perut dengar juga! hehe

Apa yg anda buat selain selesaikan tag ini?
listening to beautiful zikr.

Selain nama sendiri anda suka dipanggil dgn panggilan apa?

Soalan seterusnya ada kaitan dengan org yg anda tag!..tag 6 org
1. ainn

2. wawa

3. sarah

4. wahida

5. sis irma

6. fieza

Siapa no 1 pada anda?
my best friend. my twin.

Org no 3 ada hubungan dgn sape?
ada hubungan dgn haziq. kuikui

Kata sesuatu berkenaan org no 5..
nice to be friend with her! kenal dlm blog jugak!

Bagaimana dgn org no 4?
sis ni pun kenal dlm blog jugak!sgt friendly!

Siapa org no 2?
coursemate masa kat uia!

Bagi pesanan pd org no 6?
cik fieza, sila buat tag saya ini ya! hehe aku tau ko tak ske wat tag! kuikui

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Super Duper Short Trip to Penang.

we went there only for a day. but it worth, a thousand day... thank you sayang...

bay-view from our hotel. park royal, penang.

park royal hotel, penang.